The newest addition to the HeadBlade family is the revolutionary MOTO Razor. It takes everything GREAT about the ATX and makes it better!! This unique design allows the razor blade to pivot up and down (following the contour of the scalp) while the body can lean side to side, just like a MOTO GP racer! The dual-active suspension MOTO Razor System uses the same HB4 Refill Blade Cartridges favored by ATX users!
You can also use HB6 Blades
3 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Very good - Closet Shave
I have had the Moto razor for about 3 weeks. Once you get use to the razor it is very good and gives the closet head shave I have had. The Moto makes shaving easy and quick. I used normal razors till I got the Moto, will no be goinf back.
The new moto is definitely an improvement. I thought the ATX was good, this is better. The first thing I noticed was the shave is quicker, as a previous reviewer has already mentioned. The moto glides over the scalp well and provides a close shave. Highly recommended.
Absolutely Awesome!
Incredible shave. Rolls and glides over ya head with ease. Found it a quicker and better shave than all other models. Buy one you won't be disappointed.